Last updated: 01/10/2023

Information We Collect

When you use our services on the Onetap website, we may collect personal information you provide to us, such as your name, email address, encrypted password, company name, and other project details. Additionally, when you browse our website, we automatically receive session activity data for the purpose of understanding customer interactions with our products. We do not store any personally identifiable information (PII) or non-PII data about you.

Use of Personal Information

We collect only essential personal information necessary to provide our services and ensure secure access to our platform.


By creating a project and providing us with essential personal information, you consent to us collecting and using that information for the specific purpose of delivering our services. If we request personal information for any secondary purposes, such as marketing, we will either seek your direct consent or provide you with the option to decline.

Withdrawing Consent

If you change your mind after opting in, you can withdraw your consent for us to contact you and for the continued collection, use, or disclosure of your information. To do so, contact us at [email protected] or adjust your account settings on the Onetap platform.


We may disclose your personal information if required by law or if you violate our Terms of Service.

Third-Party Services

We use third-party service providers who collect, use, and disclose your information as necessary to perform the services they provide to us. Each provider has its own privacy policies, so we recommend reading them to understand how your personal information will be handled by these providers. Some providers may be located in different jurisdictions than you or us, potentially subjecting your information to different laws.

List of Third-Party Services